Main theory
let λ(E) be the subgroup G(K/F) leaving fixed E.
Let K be a normal extension (splitting and seperable) of F, where F≤E≤K.
(EH is a field of a set of all element fixed by H.)
(G(K/F):λ(E) is means a order of G(K/F)/λ(E) )
above the diagrams are equavalent.
1. λ(E)=G(K/E)
this is just the definition of λ.
2. E=KG(K/E)
by the definition of KG(K/E), E is fixed in K. this show that E≤KG(K/E).
we prove KG(K/E)≤E.
Let α∈K,where α∉E. Since K is a normal extension of E, we can find an automoriphsim of K leaving E fixed and mapping α onto different a zero of irr(α,F). therefore, at least there exists a element in G(K/E) that move α. this implies that KG(K/E)≤E,
so E=KG(K/E).
3. H≤G(K/F),λ(EH)=H
we think about H,λ(KH),G(K/F). a relations of them is H≤λ(KH)≤G(K/F). we shall suppose that
and shall derive contradiction. As a finite seperable extension, K=KH(α) for some α∈K, Let
then ∣H∣<∣G(K/KH)∣=n. Let the elements of H be σ1,…,σ∣H∣. and consider the polynomial
this function is of degree ∣H∣<n and symmetric expressions in the σi. because H being a group, then σσ1,…,σσ∣H∣∈H, these cofficeients are invariant under each isomporiphism σi. Hence f(x) has coefficients in KH. and some σi is 1, so f(α)=0.
Therefore, we have
since K is a normal extension of E, [K:E]={K:E}. and the defintion is ∣λ(E)∣={K:E}. therefore, [K:E]=∣λ(E)∣.
we prove [E:F]=G(K/F):λ(E). Let σ and τ are int the same left coset of λ(E). Let σ=hα1,τ=hα2 where α1,α2∈E. σ−1τ=α1−1h−1hα2=α1−1α2∈G(K/E). for α∈E, σ−1τ(α)=α and then σ(α)=τ(α). Hence, the same left coset of λ(E) induce the same element in the G(E/F) so ∣G(E/F)∣=G(K/F):λ(E).
therfore, [E:F]={E:F}=∣G(E/F)∣=G(K/F):λ(E)
5. G(E/F)≃G(K/F)/G(K/E)
we prove E is a normal extension of F. every extension E of F, E≤E≤K, is separable over F. E is separable over F. every isomorphism of E onto a subfield of F leaving F fixed can be extended to an automorphism of K, since K is normal over F. thus the automorphisms of G(K/F) induce all possible isomorphisms of E onto a subfield of F leaving F fixed. so then E is a splitting filed over F. and hence is nomrmal over F.
by property 2, E is the fixed filed of G(K/E), so for σ∈G(K/F), σ(α)∈E if and only if for all τ∈G(K/E), τ(σ(α))=σ(α). so σ−1τσ(α)=α. this means σ∈G(K/F) and τ∈G(K/E), that is
this is the condition that G(K/E) be a normal subgroup of G(K/E)
when E is a normal extension of F, there is a one to one correpsondence between left coset G(K/E) over G(K/F) and automorphism of E. for σ∈G(K/F), let σE be the automorphism of E induced by σ. thus σE∈G(E/F). the map θ:G(K/F)→G(K/F) given by
for σ∈G(K/F) is a homomorphism. and θ is onto G(E/F). the kernel of θ is G(K/E). by the fundamental isomorphism theorem, G(E/F)≃G(K/F)/G(K/E)